sábado, 2 de octubre de 2021

2.- Kids

 Dear someone I'll never meet,

I discovered today that I want to have kids. 

Never wanted kids before. I, definitely don't, trust people, also, I'm not that young anymore and cannot be more single. But I want to have kids. No because I want a projection of myself or because I want to mend my mistakes through a child, maybe just because I have too much love to give and the need to protect someone with everything I am.

Am I being selfish again?

I thought I was okay with being the cool auntie who travels a lot, goes to parties and have handsome boyfriends. The cool aunt who brings you gifts from her last travel to Tahiti (never been there, but it should be cool). But seems that I don't want that anymore.

I want to be a mother, I want to have kids. Sing to them and with them, read them "The Little Prince", watch movies and dance together. Take them to school and to swimming lessons. Watch them grew up happy and healthy.

Maybe one day I'll have kids... Maybe one day I'll be happy... Who knows?

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