jueves, 18 de agosto de 2022

4.- Spring

  Dear someone I'll never meet,

I have been wondering lately why some of us dream of the arrival of spring, while for others it is of no importance. 

Do they live a quieter life, do they have no worries, do they not feel affected by the long, cold winter nights?

I am so curious...

I don't know at what point I lost my way, but I feel as if I am moving in an eternal winter. It's so foggy that I can't see if there's anyone beside me. It's so cold that I don't know what can warm my heart a little. My lips are chapped and it hurts to make up a smile. 

Did you find spring there? Are there flowers, warm rays of sunshine? Do you see people on the street walking with their pets, talking to others, laughing? Do you feel the smell of the sea? Does the air make you smile?

I am so curious...

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