domingo, 17 de abril de 2022

3.- Happy birthday

Dear someone I will never meet,

I made it through another year. 

I remember, until not so long ago, my birthday was all about parties, calls and visits. I never really cared about birthday presents, the only thing that always mattered was knowing that people remembered it was my birthday and that I had friends to celebrate it with. I even had this sort of "black list" of people who have forgotten my birthday, and then I would pretend to be mad with them for a couple of days.

At some point I decided to just go out with some of my closest friends and have some drinks. But, as time passed, that group became 3 persons, as crazy as I am, and also people I was able to talk with... about anything...

At this point, I don't even care... Being here is enough, and, sometimes, even too much. I just celebrate I've been strong enough to make it through another year.

But, to be honest, I'm not sure if I'm being strong, brave or just stubborn. I don't know if I don't want to give up because of me, or because I would hate if people say I'm a coward. Sometimes I wonder how it is up there, at least it will be quiet and peaceful, right? But this is not the time, I still don't want to give up, or maybe just too afraid...